Page 46
February 13
February 12
February 9
February 6
- Delhi seeks Ayodhya worship ban end BBC News
February 5
- Kanchi seer meets Christian evangelist Hindustan Times
January 27
- VHP readies list of foreign missionaries by George Iype, rediff.com
January 25
January 19
January 17
- VHP demands arrest of assaulted missionary Rediff.com
January 14
- Hindu, Muslim mobs burn shops in central India over cow slaughter report by Bhagyarekha Gupta, AP
January 13
- Rights Activists Decry Hate Campaign against Indian Writer by Kalyani, OneWorld South Asia
January 10
- Religious tension mounts in Indian city after Hindu idols found broken by Indranil Singh, AP
December 27
- Ushering in the One-World Religion By Wendy Griffith, CBN News
December 23
- In Hindu-majority India, Christmas is the big day by Nirmala George, AP
December 17
- Church cupboard is bare by Cathy Grossman, USA Today
December 16
- Which religion is best for the economy? By Alison Beard, FT.com
December 5
- A tale of nuns, priests and Hindus among Indian tribals by Myra Macdonald, Reuters
- Radhasoami faith's seventh guru dead Outlook India.com
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