Image of Christ on a pear-tree struck by lightning

Minsk, Belarus - As residents of Soligorsk, Byelarus, say, a big branch was cut by a lightning from a peach-tree growing on a privately-owned land plot, and an image of Christ appeared on the cut.

‘There are streams of people coming here. A priest blessed the place. I understand people’s interest, but I bought my dacha as a rest place and have to cope up with this discomfort”, - said the owner of dacha, where the famous pear-tree grows, as cited by a Byelorussian issue of Komsomolskaya Pravda on Thursday.

The place is venerated, and people talk about a church to be built here. The priests, however, do not hurry with conclusions.

‘Some facial features can be seen on the cut, but we cannot say this is a miracle. Conclusions of the diocesan theological commission are necessary. As the tree is withering, it most likely will be cut down, and the part of it, where the people saw the holy image, will be subjected to scientific testing’, they say.