A man and woman who vandalized a baby Jesus statue in a church's outdoor nativity marched through town with a donkey to apologize.
Jessica Lange and Brian Patrick, both 19, were ordered by a judge to make Sunday's march through this northeast Ohio town after they admitted defacing a statue at St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church on Christmas Eve.
Small groups of residents watched as the two walked and asked forgiveness. They led a donkey provided by a petting zoo through the streets carrying a sign that said, "Sorry for the jackass offense."
The procession allowed Lane and Patrick to avoid a longer jail sentence for stabbing the statue and defacing it with Satanic symbols.
"This is a kind of conscience flogging," said municipal Judge Michael Cicconetti.
After the 30-minute march, the pair were taken by police to jail to serve 45-day sentences that will include drug and alcohol treatment. They also must replace the statue.