Scientology plans anti-drug campaign

Basel - Scientology would like to mingle with the drug politic in Basel: a representative of the controversial sect is sounding out openings in government agencies and anti-addiction institutions. The "Gassenzimmer" manager wanted nothing to do with cooperation.

Annette Klug, public relations Scientologist for the Basel region, first made inquiries at the city horticultural nursery. Several days ago she met with Samuel Bertschi, the director of the Basel center for issues of addiction. Bertschi said she wanted to know "to what extent Scientology could perform an active role in combatting drugs": "I told her only who is responsible for that, nothing more and nothing less." If Scientology is getting involved in the politics of drugs, he said, then coordinated action was indicated.

Basel Region Addiction aid center expressed "stark surprise"

The Scientologist woman showed up in the offices of Walter Meury, the director of the "Gassenzimmer Riehenring und Spitalstrasse," last week. Meury said, "Mrs. Klug explained that Scientology wanted to take part in a needle-collection operation." Klug verified for "Der SonntagsZeitung" that the planned needle-collection action was only part of a larger international project: "We are making an anti-drug campaign," she said. They will set up stands and send out brochures to make the public aware of the "methods by which we remove drugs from bodies."

A source at "Suchthilfe Region Basel" (SRB), which runs two "Gassenzimmer," said the atmosphere was one of "stark surprise" when the Scientologist gave the impression that she had been "forwarded" there from Bertschi. "No, thanks," SRB business manager Gabi Maechler turned down the offer and told us, "The problems with drugs are delicate enough without Scientology having to get involved here."

Walter Meury also said he saw no need to cooperate with Scientology. "This thing is too hot politically." Basel is aware of Scientology; it is the first Canton in Switzerland to pass a law against aggressive membership recruitment on public land. According to Meury there exists "at the moment no need" for a needle-collection operation. He said the operation they already had to collect needles was good enough, "Today there are no longer piles of needles lying around." Doctor Silva Keberle said in response to Scientology that there was a possibility drug addicts "could be manipulated for a private purpose."

Basel Health Director Carlo Conti (CVP) has made his position clear. If Scientology wanted to collect needles then "note would be taken of it," and he also said, "But the Canton has no intention and no need to cooperate with Scientology on the theme of drugs."