Four held over Mungiki oath

Police have arrested four members of the banned Mungiki sect suspected to be administering oaths in Laikipia District.

Residents of Ng'arua division in the district had complained that many of them were being forced to take the oath binding them to the Mungiki ideals and practices.

They were also allegedly being forced to promise "not to betray" Cabinet minister Uhuru Kenyatta, President Moi's preferred heir.

Mr Peter Nderitu Gakuru claimed that he and another man had been lured into a house at Karandi by a welder on August 29, where they were forced to take the oath.

He claimed the oath administrators in the dark noisy house wore masks. At one-corner, scores of other Mungiki members were sharpening pangas (machettes), he said.

Mr Gakuru was allegedly ordered to undress and when he refused, he was whipped several times and suffered a panga cut in the palm.

When he eventually undressed, a sharp knife was allegedly placed on his neck as he was forced to eat seven pieces of meat and drink blood.

"Thutha wa kunyua muma tweriruo twihite ati riu turi a Mungiki na tutikanakane Uhuru hingo ya githurano (After going through the ritual, we were ordered to swear that we are now Mungiki followers and would not betray Uhuru in the polls)," Mr Gakuru said.

He claimed he was warned never to disclose to anyone about the oath and ordered not to wash or change clothes for a week.

He said there were many other people in the house who were also being forced to take the oath.

Yesterday, acting Laikipia police boss Titus Karuri confirmed that Mr Gakuru had recorded a statement at Karandi.

"We gave him a P3 form so that he could be treated for the injuries he suffered," said Mr Karuri, adding that the Mungiki suspects were arrested on Tuesday night and would appear in court soon.

He said that Mr Gakuru's allegations were being investigated.

But Mungiki co-ordinator Ndura Waruinge denied that the sect was involved in administering any oaths.

"This (oathing claim) is mere propaganda by the Opposition who want to discredit us for the support we are getting from the masses," he said.

He also denied claims that three months ago, the sect planned a ceremony at which women would be forcibly cicrumcised.

"Mungiki is working closely with the local police, chiefs and district officers to maintain security in Laikipia," he said. He claimed that an Administration policeman had been assigned to every group of the sect's 30 members.

But Mr Karuri dismissed the police and Mungiki co-operation claims.

Mr Waruinge claimed that Mungiki chairman Maina Njenga, who planned to vie for the Laikipia West parliamentary seat, was being maligned by an Opposition aspirant.

He disowned the four suspects in police custody as non-Mungiki members. "We would like concrete evidence that we are involved in any (administration of) oaths and if this is done, I will be ready to carry my own cross," he said.

He said the oathing allegations were aimed at tarnishing Mr Kenyatta's name. "These allegations are being made out of fear. I urge all Kenyans not to panic."

He said Mungiki followers planned their biggest show in support of Mr Kenyatta on Saturday when he is expected at a rally in Nakuru's Afraha Stadium.