Church in deadlock over new Archbishop

The Church of England could be left without an Archbishop of Canterbury for several weeks when Dr Rowan Williams steps down after the secretive panel choosing his successor reached deadlock, it emerged yesterday.

Sources said that a final decision on who would lead the world's 77million Anglicans could still take weeks after the group failed to reach agreement during a three–day conclave–like meeting at a secret location last week. The Crown Nominations Commission is said to have hit disagreement over whether to nominate the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.

The Bishop of Durham, Justin Welby, remains the likely front–runner but other potential choices include the Bishop of Coventry, the Rt Rev Christopher Cocksworth; Bishop Graham James of Norwich; and the Rt Rev James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool.

A decision had been expected as early as this week, allowing time for preparations for the handover after Dr Williams leaves Lambeth Palace at the end of December. But members of the committee are now taking time to pray before reconvening, possibly in a few weeks.

The Church of England signalled yesterday that the delay could mean that there would be no Archbishop of Canterbury for several weeks in the New Year because whoever was chosen would have to give three months' notice to the diocese where they are bishop.

"They have to give three months' notice and they have got to move house," a spokesman conformed last night. "They usually also have a prayer retreat, that is standard for any cleric." If Bishop Welby, is appointed, it would mean further upheaval for the diocese where he arrived less than a year ago.

Archbishop Sentamu's charismatic and straight–talking style has given him a loyal following in the Church of England and he is by far the best known figure on the shortlist. But a significant number of liberals are uncomfortable with his traditional stance on issues such as same–sex marriage.

Another contender, the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres, was said to have indicated to friends late last week that he believed he had been ruled out. His traditionalist stance on the ordination of women was said to have led representatives of the diocese of Canterbury, which controls six seats on the 16–member Commission, to object.

The diocese's representatives include a senior female cleric – the Rev Canon Clare Edwards, the canon pastor of Canterbury Cathedral – and several other members of the commission are also strong supporters of women bishops.

"What they seem to have done is use their normal timetable for the decision but this appointment requires more prayer and more discernment in order to get it right," said the Rev Dr Andrew Goddard of the Church of England Evangelical Council.

"What has changed since last time is that the number of diocesan representatives has risen from four to six and this is the first time that they have chosen an archbishop with six."

Church of England sources suggested that the Bishop of Dover, the Rt Rev Trevor Willmott, was proving an influential voice on the committee.

"Bishop Trevor is a very strong personality, that's the best way to put it," said one cleric yesterday.