Imprisoned polygamous sect leader Jeffs releases apocalyptic predictions from behind bars

Salt Lake City, USA - Imprisoned polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs has released a series of so-called revelations in which he says a succession of natural disasters will strike the U.S.

The 55-year-old Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison this year for sexually assaulting two girls whom he took as wives when they were 12 and 14 years old. He released his apocalyptic predictions to the Utah attorney general's office on Monday.

Jeffs' apparent prophecies included tsunamis on the East Coast and in Seattle and earthquakes and volcanoes in Utah and Arizona. He also says that Idaho "shall be as a melting fire."

Attorney general's spokesman Paul Murphy says Jeffs is suggesting the calamities are God's revenge for putting the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints leader behind bars.

Attorney general's spokesman Paul Murphy says Jeffs is suggesting the calamities are God's revenge for putting the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints leader behind bars.

Jeffs has made predictions of doom before, including the end of the world, but none have come true.