Religion Should Have No Effect on the Use of Condoms

Bujumbara, Burundi - Preachers at the mosque in Bujumbura claimed that the use of condoms is just a promotion to adultery.

Asha says, "We can't use condoms as a way of preventing AIDS in our community; only abstinence is preached in our mosques. We [Muslims] are so exposed to the AIDS pandemic, especially because we believe in polygamy".

She is in a polygamous marriage and she wants to use condoms so that she can save herself from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The scholars are very keen to fight against HIV and they even take care of the people who are suffering from such diseases and they even encourage people of their community to go for a HIV testing before marriage but Asha reported that this advice of scholars is not followed by the people.

It was found out that about 10 percent of Burundi’s population is at a risk of suffering from HIV. The reason for this is those women who are in polygamous relationship are more prone to these sexually transmitted diseases.

Thus, condoms should be made an essential part so that the risks of HIV are decreased.

Jolie, a non-practicing Christian claimed that poverty is also one of the main reasons for the transmission of these diseases.