Volunteers wanted for excavations

Angus, UK - A call has been issued for budding archaeologists to get involved in a dig which aims to uncover religious secrets in part of Angus.

Excavations of Brechin's original cathedral precinct start next month.

It is hoped building foundations, bones and artefacts dating back to the 1700s, as well as stones from the original Bishop's Palace, could be unearthed.

Volunteers, who must be older than 12, are needed to carry out excavations and wash finds.

Charlie Murray, from Murray Archaeological Services, said: "There have been a number of buildings located on the site, including what appears to be a clergyman's house, which was built in 1771 when the Bishop's Palace was demolished, and church office buildings, demolished in 1850.

"The dig may, therefore, reveal the foundations of these buildings and stones from the original Bishop's Palace. Other finds could include bones and ceramics."

Bob Myles, chairman of Brechin Townscape Heritage Initiative, added: "This dig has the potential to uncover some most interesting artefacts as well as increasing our knowledge of the history of the cathedral area and Brechin in general."