Two Lutheran Churches Hire Homosexual Pastors

Defying Evangelical Lutheran Church in America teaching, two California congregations and one in Minnesota have hired openly homosexual pastors.

The Rev. Jennifer Mason has been called as associate pastor by San Bernardino's Central City Lutheran Mission. On May 2, Hollywood Lutheran Church in Los Angeles will install the Rev. Daniel M. Hooper. And in Minneapolis, Bethany Lutheran Church will install the Rev. Jay Wiesner July 25.

The Lutheran denomination, with 5 million members, ordains homosexuals but policy requires them to be celibate. Mason and Hooper were removed from the clergy roster after informing the church they were in committed same-sex relationships.

Bishop Murray Finck said he was surprised by Mason's call and urged the congregation to reconsider.

Next year's denominational meeting will debate a new homosexual policy report.

A decade ago, the denomination expelled two San Francisco congregations for appointing clergy living in same-sex relationships. Since then, more than a dozen congregations have done the same, without penalty.