Archbishop: Victims group barred from church

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta will not allow a support group for victims of the church's sex abuse scandal to meet on church grounds.

Archbishop John Donoghue told the Voice of the Faithful's Atlanta chapter they also can't advertise in the archdiocese's newspaper because he doesn't believe the group's goals match church teachings.

Donoghue said he opposes the meetings on church property because the group may talk about issues Pope John Paul II has ordered Catholics to no longer discuss.

''I don't want them to get into stuff with other groups that are pushing for the ordination of women and married clergy,'' he said.

Donoghue also wrote the group a letter in October saying there isn't a need for their group because there's already a church-based support system for clergy abuse victims.

The Voice of the Faithful was founded in Boston during the clergy sex abuse scandal to push for changes in the church and counts 30,000 members in the United States.