Bishop discriminated against gay youth worker

London, England - A gay man won a landmark case of unlawful discrimination against the Church of England yesterday after a bishop refused him a job because of his sexuality.

John Reaney said he had been asked intrusive questions by Bishop Priddis about his previous gay relationship

An employment tribunal ruled that John Reaney, 42, had been discriminated against "on grounds of sexual orientation" when he was turned down for the post of youth worker in the diocese of Hereford.

Mr Reaney, from Colwyn Bay, north Wales, said he was "delighted" by the decision, which could have implications for employment policies in the Church.

But the Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Rev Anthony Priddis, said he was "naturally disappointed" and was considering whether to appeal. The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement said the bishop should resign.

During the tribunal hearing in Cardiff in April, Mr Reaney said that he had been asked intrusive questions by Bishop Priddis about his previous gay relationship during a two-hour meeting in July 2006.

Mr Reaney, who had been told that he was the outstanding candidate for the job, said that the meeting had left him feeling embarrassed, upset and "a total waste of space".

He said he had pulled over while driving home and broke down in tears.

Three days after the meeting, the bishop telephoned Mr Reaney to say his application had not been successful.

During his evidence, Bishop Priddis said he had made it clear to Mr Reaney that a person in a sexual relationship outside marriage, whether they were heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or transgender, would be turned down for the post. The Bishop said that Mr Reaney's behavior was contrary to official Church teaching and had "the potential to impact on the spiritual, moral and ethical leadership within the diocese".

The tribunal found that Bishop Priddis should have considered only the present lifestyle of Mr Reaney, who is single, and he should not have speculated about potential future relationships.

Delivering the judgment, the tribunal said the case would be listed for a remedy hearing and Mr Reaney is expected to be awarded substantial damages.

Mr Reaney, who had already worked in two Church of England dioceses where he had been praised for his achievements, was delighted at the outcome. He said the case "demonstrated to many lesbian and gay Christians working for God within the Church of England that they are entitled to fair and respectful treatment".

Ben Summerskill, the chief executive of Stonewall, which funded Mr Reaney's legal action, said the verdict was "a triumph for 21st century decency over 19th century prejudice".

The Rev Richard Kirker, the chief executive of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, whose sympathisers include a number of Church of England bishops, said the bishop should resign.

"This is a just outcome," he said. "The Church has brought this humiliation on itself.

"The case need never have been brought if the Church was not institutionally homo-phobic."

But Bishop Priddis said: "I still think the decision I made was the right one."

Under the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, it is illegal to discriminate against people as a result of their sexual orientation, but the law does contain an exemption for organised religion.

The bishop said the tribunal had recognised the exemption, but the post of youth worker was among a handful of lay jobs that fell within it.

He said: "It is the duty of every bishop to uphold spiritual, moral and ethical standards and the tribunal agreed.

"However, in the light of the tribunal decision the Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance will again look at its recruitment literature to make clear the teaching and requirements of the Church in respect of the lifestyle of those in leadership roles."