Controversial cleric Al Hilali steps down

Melbourne, Australia - Australia's top cleric, who triggered a furore last year when he referred to women without head scarves as "uncovered meat", stepped down yesterday, prompting Muslim leaders to appoint a new mufti.

Australia's council of Muslim leaders appointed Shaikh Fehmi Naji Al Imam as the nation's senior cleric, ending months of controversy over the previous mufti, Shaikh Taj Aldin Al Hilali.

The council initially offered Al Hilali another two-year term in the post but he "gracefully declined," according to a statement released by the Australian National Imams Council.

"We recognise the great services that Shaikh Taj Aldin Al Hilali has provided over the years and we pray for his good health," the council said.

Rehin Ghauri, a senior Muslim leader from Western Australia, said moderate Muslims would be glad to leave the friction of Al Hilali's 18-year tenure behind.

"Al Hilali is very experienced, but he has caused some problems to the community," said Ghauri. "I don't like his personality, I don't like his style. Pulling punches gets you nowhere, you bring controversy instead of friends."

Last September, Al Hilali sparked outrage in Australia when he blamed scantily clad women for tempting men to rape them, saying, "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside and the cats come to eat it, whose fault is it?"