Scientists explain the burning bushes in the Bible

Norwegian researchers have found the explanation for the burning bushes in the Bible. «Scientific phenomena make no difference», according to bishop.

Last year the experts were sent to the southern parts of Sahara too look at some bushes that were reported to be setting themselves alight. Stinking smoke came from burning red holes in the ground, according to VG.

700 degrees
The problems increased and the authorities in Mali considered evacuating whole villages in the area.

Physician Dag Kristian Dysthe and three geologies, all Norwegian, expected to find lava underneath the smoking soil. Instead they found a burning layer of turf and the explanation for one of the mystery of the burning bushes in the Bible; the self-alighting bushes.

«We measured 700 degrees celsius (1292 Fahrenheit) in some of the holes. It was actually a little scary seeing the burning bushes in the desert, almost like in the Bible», said Dysthe.

«We discovered that a burning layer of turf under the soil caused the smoke and the heat that set the bushes on fire», Dysthe added.

The extraordinary findings were described in the science magazines Nature and Science.

Dag Kristian Dysthe and geologist Henrik Svensen are convinced that the phenomenon may have taken place in biblical time. According to the Bible, God spoke to Moses in the form of a burning bush.

«This is not a one-off, this phenomenon has not happened only once», said the experts.

Bishop not impressed
Bishop Knut Andresen in Trondheim, however, is not impressed by the scientists' explanation.

«The stories in the bible are symbolic and are meant to bring a message to the reader. Scientific phenomena make no difference in this connection», said the bishop.