Priests Begin Public Penance in O.C.

In the first public penance by Roman Catholic priests since the church's national sex scandal broke 11 months ago, 16 clerics in Santa Ana began Wednesday to perform acts of contrition suggested by molestation victims.

Under the glare of television lights and before a crowd of reporters from as far away as Boston, the priests met at a homeless shelter to decide how to show they are sorry for what some of their brethren have done. Many undertook their penances right away; one read stories to children in the shelter, and others did without their cars for the day. Today, Father Steve Sallot plans to work as a janitor's assistant at his parish's parochial school in Dana Point.

One participant, Father Leo Celano, acknowledged that some may see the gesture as a publicity stunt. "People will think that we're grandstanding," he said. But no matter what, "we're responsible for apologizing" for the actions of some in the clergy.

"This is the beginning of a [national] grass-roots movement by local priests, which is very moving," said Father Joseph Palacios, a Georgetown University professor who said he attended the meeting as both a cleric and a sociologist studying the movement.