Ahmadiyah members seek return to homes

Mataram, Indonesia - Approximately 20 members of the Ahmadiyah Islamic sect marched to the provincial legislative council building here to demand a return to their homes.

The protesters, mostly women and children from Ketapang hamlet in Lingsar district, West Lombok regency, are currently living in a transmigration center in Mataram.

"We want to return home. We are tired of living in the shelter," said one protester, Munaroh, on Monday.

She said life in the shelter had become harder since the West Lombok regency administration stopped providing the Ahmadiyah members with living allowances in January.

"They say the provincial administration will provide assistance, but we have yet to receive any help," she said.

There are 155 Ahmadiyah members taking refuge at the Mataram transmigration center. They have been there since last February, when they were forced from their homes in Ketapang by residents opposed to the supposedly un-Islamic nature of the sect's teachings.