New Mexico Supreme Court justice named to abuse board

WASHINGTON (AP) - A New Mexico Supreme Court justice has been named the 13th, and final, member of the panel that America's Roman Catholic bishops formed to oversee dioceses' response to sex abuse claims against priests.

Justice Petra Maes will be the last person appointed to the National Review Board led by Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating. Bishop Wilton Gregory, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, announced Maes' role last week.

The commission will monitor how church leaders implement the reform policy they adopted during their June meeting in Dallas. At the time, bishops promised to remove guilty clergy from all church work and, in some cases, from the priesthood entirely.

Among others serving on the board are Leon Panetta, former congressman and White House chief of staff; Washington attorney Robert S. Bennett; and Michael J. Bland, a victim of clergy abuse and a psychological counselor who works with fellow victims for the Chicago Archdiocese.

The panel is scheduled to meet Sept. 16 in Oklahoma City.

Elsewhere, the board of the nation's largest network of Catholic nuns and sisters released a statement in response to the clerical molestation crisis saying they opposed any policy that automatically removed abusers from their pulpits.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious, which represents heads of Catholic orders with 76,000 members, said it agreed with clinicians who have concluded that some of the priests can be rehabilitated. The group issued the statement during a meeting Saturday in St. Louis.