Bulgarian Muslims wonder what EU entry holds

Smolyan, Bulgaria - Like most Bulgarians, Salikh Kutsov hopes joining the European Union will bring prosperity to his town. But the Muslim carpenter wonders if his future wife would be happy wearing a headscarf in the EU.

The 27-year-old carpenter has been told accession will cement religious and democratic freedoms that have taken a tenuous hold here since the fall of communism.

But he is also taken aback at hardening attitudes toward his religion's traditions in the wealthy bloc and their effect in Bulgaria, where Christians and Muslims have lived in relative harmony for centuries.

"All my Christian friends here respect me, but as for Europe, I don't know," said Kutsov as he waited to attend Friday prayers in front of a newly painted mosque, one of the three in this gritty town in the south-east corner of Europe.

Bulgaria will be the only EU state where Muslims -- 12 percent of its 7.8 million people -- are not recent immigrants but a centuries-old local community. Mostly ethnic Turkish descendants of the Ottoman Empire's reach into Europe, they live beside Christians in a culture known as "komshuluk," or neighbourly relations.

Recently, however, two Muslim girls were prohibited from wearing headscarves to a state school in the town of Smolyan -- Bulgaria's first glimpse of an issue that has raised tensions between Christians and Muslims in western Europe.

"I hope things change for better and this problem with the headscarves is solved. I want my future wife to be able to wear one without being laughed at," Kutsov said.

Unlike neighbouring former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria avoided clashes between Orthodox Christians and Muslims after the fall of Communism despite a 1984-85 "revival process," launched by Soviet-backed dictator Todor Zhivkov to assimilate Muslims.

According to Amnesty International, at least 100 Muslims died in his four-month campaign to force them to change their names to Bulgarian, which banned the Turkish language in public. It also banned the wearing of headscarves and other Islamic customs such as circumcision and funeral rights.

When Bulgaria opened its border with Turkey in 1989, more than 300,000 Muslims left, although some later returned.

The bans were also lifted and now mosques, along with Muslim schools, are common sights, while the ethnic-Turkish MRF party has become a powerful political force, participating in the last two governments.


Most Muslims here say they do not expect discrimination to come from tolerant-minded Europe, but analysts say that is exactly what is happening.

Following attacks by Islamic fundamentalists in London and Madrid and the arrests of other plotters across Europe, many EU states now shun elements of Muslim culture.

In the Netherlands, once a model state for tolerance, a party won nine seats in parliament last month on a campaign against what it called the "Islamisation" of the country.

France banned Muslim headscarves in state schools two years ago and British Prime Minister Tony Blair has called the custom "a mark of separation." Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi has said Islamic women should try to fit into European culture.

"The whole headscarf issue in Bulgaria has been 'imported' from France. It can change the status quo," said Simeon Evstatiev, a lecturer on Islam at Sofia University.

Experts say one reason the two groups get along so well is that they keep their distance: rarely inter-marrying and living in closed enclaves with limited outside contact.

The harmony also depends on neither group pushing too hard on controversial issues, such as wearing headscarves or advocating the use of Turkish as a second official language.

But analysts say the signs of a possible Islamic revival, when tied to EU entry and Muslims' desire for greater freedoms, could strain Bulgaria's delicate ethnic and religious balance.

"Because of this globalisation, there is a need to redefine the post-Ottoman model of good neighbourly relations and see what we can be kept from that culture," Evstatiev said.


Besides ethnic Turks, Bulgarian Muslims also include 300,000 Roma Gypsies and Pomaks -- Europeans who converted to Islam under the Ottomans. Many say they look forward to uniting with millions of "brothers in faith" in the EU.

Living mainly in mountain villages where poverty and unemployment are rife, they see entry as a chance to better their lot. But Muslim leaders also worry it will attract strains of fundamentalist Islam that have taken root in western Europe.

"We have to stop the infiltration of radical Islamic groups here to avoid what is happening in Western Europe," says Salikh Arshinski, secretary of the Union of Muslims in Bulgaria.

"One of our aims is to prove Muslims are not dangerous."

Evstatiev said the government should urgently try to involve Muslims more, economically and socially, so they do not feel like second-class citizens and embrace radical ideas.

Muslim leaders are confident they will preserve their cultural traditions but, according to Husein Hafazov, aide to Bulgaria's top Muslim cleric, there are doubts about whether they will be considered equal citizens in the Union.

"We are looking forward to join because no one can have too much democracy and freedom ... but we are worried how we will be treated," he said.