Church accuses Government over poor

London, England - The Government has been accused of consigning some asylum seekers to "unacceptable" destitution in a landmark report by the Church of England, which calls for a narrowing in the gap between the rich and the poor.

Faithful Cities, a report by a commission set up by the Church of England, said the gap between the super-rich and the poorest has been "dramatised", in spite of multi-million-pound regeneration projects and globalisation bringing riches and opportunities to many cities.

A summary of the report said: "The experience of the faithful on the ground is that the poor are the losers in a widening prosperity gulf. We live in one of the most economically unequal countries in Europe and not only has the 'trickle down' promise of market forces failed to deliver but a draconian asylum system consigns a small section of the population to unacceptable destitution."

The document urged the Government to "lead" rather than follow public opinion on immigration, refugee and asylum policy.

It called for asylum seekers to be allowed to sustain themselves and contribute to society through paid work. It is "unacceptable", the report said, to use destitution as a "tool of coercion" when dealing with refused asylum seekers.

The report further called on the Government to consider the effects of implementing a "living wage" at a higher level than the current minimum wage.

The widening economic gulf, combined with the rapidly increasing ethnic and cultural diversity of urban areas has also heightened "fear of the stranger" and fomented suspicion and distrust, the report noted. Antipathy and racism are endemic among young people, making them prime targets for religious and political extremism, it said.

The report said faith communities could be the "seedbed" of a positive celebration of diversity and should act to combat racism, self-interest and religious intolerance at all levels of society. Religious faith is one of the richest and most enduring sources of dynamism and hope for the cities, the report noted, providing participation in civic life and social networks which could be dubbed "faithful capital".

The report also acknowledged that factors beyond material wealth are essential for human happiness and questioned why young people in Britain, the fourth-largest economy in world, are among the most depressed in Europe.

Fulfilled and secure relations in personal life are needed, it said, as well as good health, and a philosophy of life, faith or a world view which includes a commitment to something beyond serving one's individual needs. The report, drawn up over two years by the Commission on Urban Life and Faith, also recommends a review of the role and impact of faith schools on social and community cohesion in urban settings.