Bless this house

London, England - Home owners worried about crime in their street, the problem of rising damp or lacklustre sex in the bedroom can now call on divine assistance.

The Church of England is going into partnership with estate agents to offer blessing services to people moving home.

From this week, house buyers in a number of dioceses will be offered the services of a vicar, who will say special prayers to cover almost every eventuality.

Clergy behind the scheme want to tap into the explosion of interest in New Age practices such as feng shui as a way of tempting people back to church.

The Rev Chris Painter, a vicar in Eccles, Greater Manchester, has helped to pioneer the initiative. He is confident that it will show that Christianity can adapt to an increasingly secular age.

"There is still a huge interest in spirituality and this is a way of our meeting that, but not in a traditional way," he said.

"The current trend in New Age spirituality is aimed at self-fulfilment, people wanting to be happy and achieve things. We are trying to focus on Christianity and show people that God has an interest in our lives."

Many Christians will be familiar with blessing services. In the case of non-churchgoers, clergy will spend time with them to ensure that they are happy about the process before the blessing is given.

As the vicars go from room to room, they will lay hands on everything from the bed, praying for a healthy sex life, to the lavatory, asking for "good health and to give thanks for sanitation".

In the kitchen they will say: "O Lord, to all who shall work in this room that, in serving others, they may serve you and share in your perfect service and that in the noise and clutter of the kitchen they may possess you in tranquillity; through Jesus Christ our Lord."

A prayer for the garage says: "Almighty and everlasting God, be to this household a guide in all their journeys and a shield from every danger."

Mr Painter said: "We will pray for people who are anxious about dry rot that they will be given guidance about how to tackle it. There will be those who are worried about security and we will ask God to watch over the house."

However, "divine protection" was not a guarantee against burglary.

Matthew Gregory, the owner of Gemini Estates, one of the first companies to agree to the partnership, said: "In places where community spirit has been lost this could help to build that back up."

A spokesman for the Diocese of Manchester said: "This scheme is a real opportunity for the Church."

Mr Painter said: "We are not going into people's homes to be judgmental about their way of life.

"We want to show them that they can turn to the Church for support at a time of new beginning or when things are hard."