Spanish Church attacks 'dissenting elements'

Madrid, Spain - Spain's Roman Catholic hierarchy has defended its most traditional stances, including opposition to birth control, abortion, homosexuality and assisted reproduction.

In its annual Easter message, the Spanish Bishops Conference said that "the dignity of human life demands that its transmission come within the sphere of conjugal love".

It added that human sexuality takes on its true "moral honesty ... (within the confines of) legitimate and indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman".

In a document released by the conference, which is the Spanish Church's ruling body, it denounced the existence of groups that spread social and other messages contrary to

Catholic doctrine.

The document also said within the Catholic faith there was a dissenting element which "advocates and spreads disaffection toward the Church presented as a legitimate critical attitude of its hierarchy and its teachings".

Last year, the Catholic establishment in Spain expressed strong opposition the legalisation of same-sex marriage and the adoption of children by gay couples.