15 Mungiki members arrested

Police yesterday arrested 15 Mungiki sect members in Nairobi's Eastlands area as the crackdown on the outlawed group intensified.

Nairobi Provincial Police Officer, Mr Geoffrey Muathe, said that the Mungiki adherents were arrested in Mathare area and Kayole where they had attempted to take over the matatu termini.

Muathe also said that police had impounded two Nissan matatus which were being used by the outlawed sect members to move around.

The Officer Commanding Buru Buru Police Division (OCPD), Mr Japhet Koome said police on patrol within Kayole's Masimba and Kanisani matatu termini arrested 10 Mungiki adherents who were among a group that was trying to take over the stage management.

Koome said that police were on high alert within the area to ensure normal operations for matatus.

In Mathare 4 area, police officers from Muthaiga police station intercepted two Nissan matatus in which the Mungiki men were travelling in to the area to interfere with matatu operations.