China calls on other nations to throw out Falungong lawsuits

China is urging other nations not to accept lawsuits filed by the Falungong spiritual sect against Chinese leaders.

Beijing says the lawsuits aim to stigmatise and defame the Chinese government.

It says it hopes the relevant countries can take effective and concrete measures to an end such actions.

The Falungong has filed at least 12 international lawsuits in nine countries over the past two years accusing high-ranking Chinese officials or government bodies of crimes against humanity.

Last week, a US judge dismissed a lawsuit that accused former Chinese president Jiang Zemin of torture and genocide, on the grounds that he enjoys diplomatic immunity from prosecution.

The group, whose followers practice meditation to improve their physical and mental well-being, says more than 1,600 members have been tortured or beaten to death in China in the past four years.

It says 500 have been given prison sentences of more than 20 years, 1,000 have been interned in mental hospitals and more than 25,000 are in work camps.

The Falungong alleges another 100,000 followers are being held without trial.