Archbishop and the Pope condemn 'evil' attacks

London, England - Religious leaders from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, to the Pope condemned the "evil" bomb attacks yesterday and offered prayers for the victims and their families.

Special services were being planned in London, and churches and cathedrals across the country were opened for private reflection.

Dr Williams spoke of his horror and grief during an inter-faith visit to west Yorkshire. "The appalling events in London have shocked us all. So I want first and foremost to extend my personal sympathy and condolences to everyone who is suffering and grieving at this time," he said.

"All those caught up in this tragedy - and that includes of course the emergency services whose selfless dedication and commitment is so vital at times like this - all are in my own prayers and in the prayers of a great many people."

The Archbishop said that Muslims had been as outraged by the events as anyone else, and he called for unity among religious groups. "As it happens I have spent this morning with Muslim colleagues and friends in west Yorkshire and we were all as one in our condemnation of this evil and in our shared sense of care and compassion for those affected in whatever way," he said.

"Such solidarity and common purpose is vital for us all at this time of pain and sorrow and anger."

The Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres, said that the attack was not on presidents and men of power but on ordinary Londoners travelling to work by bus and Tube. He said: "The bombs went off without warning and were obviously intended to cause indiscriminate slaughter of Londoners, Christians and Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, all without distinction."

The Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Rev Dr Tom Butler, voiced his "profound regret". He said: "The scenes that are being broadcast are a clear image of the pain and shock of those caught up in the events. I join others in utterly condemning those who commit acts of terrorism under any circumstances."

Pope Benedict XVI was said to be "deeply saddened". A message released on his behalf said: "The Holy Father offers fervent prayers for the victims and for all those who mourn. While he deplores these barbaric acts against humanity, he asks you to convey to the families of the injured his spiritual closeness at this time of grief.

"Upon the people of Great Britain he invites the consolation that only God can give in such circumstances."

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, expressed his horror. He is returning from a visit to the Pope in Rome and said that he would be offering Mass in Westminster Cathedral at 5.30pm today.

Another senior Roman Catholic cleric, the Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Rev Vincent Nichols, said: "My heart goes out to everyone caught up in these outrageous attacks."

The Chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks, said: "These terrible events have brought home to us the full evil that terror represents. It is not the weapon of the weak against the strong but the rage of the angry against the defenceless and innocent. It is an evil means to an evil end.

"I will be asking all our congregations to say special prayers for the victims and their families this Sabbath. We grieve for the dead, pray for the injured and share our tears with the bereaved."