UK Hindus call for global French boycott over deity on shoes

London, England - Outraged Hindu groups in Britain today called on devotees worldwide to boycott French-made goods, after a French manufacturer refused to remove a Hindu god from its designer shoes.

British Hindus have added their voices to growing global anger over the image of Lord Ram, appearing on Minelli brand footwear from the French fashion group Vivarte.

The Hindu Human Rights group, "incensed by their indifference," said it was organising a rally for this Sunday outside the French embassy in central London.

The Hindu Forum of Britain (HFB) umbrella body is also demanding that Hindus pressure the Indian government to stop buying Mirage fighter jets, write to the International Olympic Committee to say Paris should not be chosen as the venue for the 2012 Olympics, and stop flying with Air France.

"This is the last straw," Ramesh Kallidai, HFB secretary general, said in a statement.

"Hinduism is a very tolerant religion and we have no problems if our images are used in a respectful manner. But to use the image of Lord Rama on a shoe, when we don't even wear shoes inside our temples, is disrespectful and disgraceful," he said.

"It has hurt the sentiments of over one billion Hindus in the world, and yet Minelli have not agreed to withdraw the sale," he said.