Anglican Church Won't Bless Gay Couples

Leaders of the world's Anglican churches said Tuesday that they cannot support ceremonies blessing homosexual relationships, which one bishop in Canada has permitted.

"The question of public rites for the blessing of same-sex unions is still a cause of potentially divisive controversy," primates of the 38 national churches and provinces said in a statement following their meeting in Gramado in southern Brazil.

"The archbishop of Canterbury spoke for us all when he said that it is through liturgy that we express what we believe, and that there is no theological consensus about same sex unions. Therefore, we as a body cannot support the authorization of such rites," said their statement, released by the Anglican Communion office in London.

"This is distinct from the duty of pastoral care that is laid upon all Christians to respond with love and understanding to people of all sexual orientations."

The bishop of Vancouver, Michael Ingham, divided his own diocese by approving blessing rituals for homosexuals. The bishop of the Yukon, Terrence Buckle, inflamed the controversy this year by offering to become an alternate leader for conservatives in Ingham's diocese.

Homosexuality has been a deeply divisive issue among Anglican churches. The Anglican Communion's leader, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, has drawn criticism for ordaining a homosexual when he was primate of the Church in Wales.

Williams' personal views place him in the liberal wing of the church but since being appointed to the Canterbury post, he has pledged to affirm the 1998 Lambeth Conference declaration that homosexual relations are "incompatible with Scripture."

The declaration also opposed sexual relations outside of marriage and the blessing of same-sex unions.

In the statement issued by the Brazil meeting, Williams appeared to again distinguish between his personal view which is sympathetic toward recognizing same-sex partnerships and the consensus expressed by the church.

In an interview last year with The Daily Telegraph newspaper in London, Williams said: "My theological conviction is that there is a good case for recognition of same-sex partnerships if they are stable and faithful. I would not, however, call it marriage."

The author of a new biography of Williams says the archbishop believes the Church of England should change its teaching to accept gay relationships, The Times newspaper reported Tuesday.

Williams, who was enthroned as leader of the Church of England and the Anglican Communion in February, privately feels the church should alter its position on gays as it has done on slavery, marriage after divorce and money lending, Rupert Shortt wrote. The Times published an extract from the book.