by Shelby Oppel
Employees, parishes and schools throughout the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland this week are receiving a brochure that is a key part of the archdiocese's settlement with 23 men who accused a retired priest of sexually abusing them as boys.
The case against Maurice Grammond and the archdiocese was the largest clergy pedophilia lawsuit in Oregon history. The archdiocese, which includes nearly 300,000 Catholics across Western Oregon, agreed to a formal apology, confidential financial payments and a promise of reforms when it reached an out-of-court settlement in October 2000.
The brochure is a summary of the archdiocese's new written policy against child abuse that was developed as part of the settlement.
The new policy was written by a task force that included two plaintiffs and church officials. It formalizes what a spokesman said were current practices, such as responding promptly to allegations and conducting background checks on new hires, and expands the checks to additional employees and volunteers who work with children.
It also adds new safeguards: enhanced employee training in dealing with and reporting abuse; lessons in schools run by the archdiocese about inappropriate touching; and an abuse hot line monitored by a private licensed psychologist who will take initial steps in responding to complaints. The hot line is 503-416-8810.
"The painful experience of dealing with allegations of abuse by priests of the archdiocese in Portland . . . has strengthened my determination to take every necessary step to protect the children in my care," said Archbishop John G. Vlazny in a written statement.
The plaintiffs accused Grammond of molesting them in incidents from 1950 into the 1970s at an orphanage and parishes in Portland, and at churches in Oakridge and Seaside. Grammond, 81, is now in a Gresham home for Alzheimer's patients. In the past, he has denied the accusations.
Dan Ryan, one of the plaintiffs, called the policy a good start. But he said it is too vague about the training employees will receive and questioned what will happen once complaints are made to the hot line.
"Where does it go from there is what I would like to know." said Ryan, 50.
Under the new policy, complaints will be evaluated by church officials who will report accusations to civil authorities if warranted.
Bud Bunce, a spokesman for the archdiocese, said an additional 15 lawsuits involving Grammond are pending. Copies of the policy are available at the archdiocese, 2838 E. Burnside St. Michael Wilson of The Oregonian staff contributed to this report. You can reach Shelby Oppel at 503-221-5368 or by e-mail at