VATICAN CITY (AP) - The Vatican has reined in a Jesuit theologian, declaring that his book on religious pluralism contained ``notable ambiguities'' that could lead a reader to ``erroneous or harmful positions.''
The statement Monday by the powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith followed a nearly two-year investigation of the book by the Rev. Jacques Dupuis, a 77-year-old Belgian professor at the Gregorian University in Rome.
It was further evidence that the Vatican will be vigilant that theologians and other Catholics correctly describe Catholic beliefs, and not water them down to avoid offending non-Catholics.
The Vatican statement said Dupuis accepted the notification ``intended to safeguard the doctrine of the Catholic faith from errors, ambiguities or harmful interpretations,'' and agreed to include the notification in any future editions of the book.
Dupuis, reached at his university office, said he would withhold any immediate comment.
The Jesuits issued a statement praising Dupuis' efforts in a ``fundamental area for the future of interreligious dialogue'' and said that they hoped he would continue his ``pioneer research.'' The book is about exploring common theological ground among religions. The Vatican statement did not cite specific examples of what in the book it found objectionable.
The statement is likely to fuel a debate over attempts by some in the church to find common ground with other denominations and religions.
When the Vatican in September reaffirmed the primacy of the Roman Catholic church over other religions, leaders of several denominations expressed dismay that the Vatican was changing course on efforts for dialogue with non-Catholics.
Pope John Paul II has since stressed such efforts will continue, but he has not disowned the September document from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is headed by German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
Monday's statement said the pope ``confirmed'' the notification regarding Dupuis on Jan. 19 and ordered its publication.
Dupuis' book, published in 1997, is called ``Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism.''
The Vatican statement recognized the author's ``attempt to remain within the limits of orthodoxy,'' his willingness to provide clarifications and his desire to remain faithful to church doctrine.
But it said the congregation ``found that his book contained notable ambiguities and difficulties on important doctrinal points'' on salvation and the Catholic church.