Religious bodies condemn school rule

Rule to ban students from wearing sulu or any other form of religious symbols by the management of Bhawani Dayal Arya College has been widely condemned by religious bodies and certain individuals.

A Shree Sanatan Dharam Prathnidhi Sabha pundit yesterday said religious tolerance should begin in schools and school managements should exercise that flexibility.

The pundit said schools have set uniforms but students should be allowed to wear religious symbols in forms of pendants or be permitted to wear certain hair style that has religious significance attached to it.

If a student is devotee of Hare Krishna then he must be allowed to come to school with shaved head and a tilak (mark of the forehead), the pundit said.

Fiji Muslim League spokesman, Hafiz Khan said schools should have religious tolerance.

Mr Khan said there are a number of schools run by Fiji Muslim League and these schools have its own set of rules on maintaining uniformity.

Boys are expected to wear long pants but we have exceptions. Those who prefer to wear sulu, are allowed to do so. We expect the students in our schools to follow our rules but at the same time, we maintain religious tolerance in special cases, Mr Khan said.

Sanatan school education board chairman Chengaiya Naidu said decision to ban religious symbols in schools threatens unity and peaceful coexistence.