Catholics Flock to Fence-Post Virgin Mary

Catholics in the Australian city of Sydney are flocking to pray at a fence post at Coogee beach which they believe projects an image of the Virgin Mary.

Devotees say the Virgin can be seen in the afternoons from a vantage point 300 meters (yards) away from the white post, in the east of the city, and some believe she appeared to comfort Australians worried about a possible war in Iraq.

Some leave flowers, crucifixes and bottles of oil nearby.

"Some people say they can't see her but yes, I see her. I see her crown, her white robe. I'm so happy that I get goosebumps," Sydney resident Anna, originally from Italy, told Reuters Television.

Catholics are not the only ones paying homage.

"I believe it's Mother Teresa who has come," said clairvoyant Bronwyn Wilson. "She's very upset with war looming and everything. She comes in peace because she represented peace."

Others are more skeptical.

"If that's what they want to believe fair enough but I personally think it's a lot of rubbish -- it's just a fence," a British traveler told Reuters.