Catholic group seeks priests for Latin Mass

A schismatic ultra-conservative Catholic group, whose leader was excommunicated in 1988, has sent a letter to Australia's 1400 Catholic priests trying to recruit them.

The Society of Pius X, followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, rejects the 1960s Vatican II council that liberalised much Catholic practice and teaches that only the Latin (Tridentine) Mass is valid.

The eight-page letter, from Father Francois Laisney of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in Hampton, invites priests to return to "the Traditional Mass, the Mass of all times, the Mass of the Saints", and offers a free kit to enable them to say the Latin Mass.

Kate Mannix, editor of the independent Catholic internet magazine OnlineCatholics, said yesterday it was significant that no Australian bishop had objected to the letter and the society was being quietly rehabilitated by forces opposed to Vatican II.

Swiss Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre formed the Society of Pius X to reject the "novelties" of Vatican II, which the recruiting letter identifies as collegiality (as opposed to hierarchical authority), ecumenism and religious liberty. He was excommunicated in 1988 for consecrating his own bishops.

Ms Mannix said most Australian bishops did not support the Latin Mass but did not want a row with Cardinal George Pell, who favoured conservative groups.

"There's been enormous concern about liturgical abuses (by liberal priests) in recent years, yet every time this organisation conducts a Mass it perpetuates liturgical abuse," she said.

Former priest and Catholic author Paul Collins said the concern about the society was its links with neo-fascist groups in Europe and South America.

"For example, they act as de facto chaplains for the Le Pen movement in France," Mr Collins said.

Now officials in Rome understood their fascist connections less and had more sympathy for their conservative view on liturgy. "The Vatican have been falling over themselves to get these people back into communion with Rome," he said.

In Australia the society remained small, with only a few thousand adherents and one church in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

Brian Lucas, secretary of the Australian Catholic Bishops' Conference, said he was aware the society had sent the letter.

"The position of this small group is well known, and we look forward to the day when through dialogue and understanding there can be a reconciliation," he said.

Father Laisney, who is overseas, could not be contacted.