House Church Leader Rearrested

Now that Beijing has been granted the 2008 Olympics the expected crackdown on Christians leaders is intensifying.

Pastor Li Dexian was arrested at 1:30 p.m. on July 26, 2001. Pastor Li Dexian opened a house church meeting in Hua Du, not far from Guongzhou. At 3:00 p.m., officers of the Public Security Bureau arrived and closed the meeting. They arrested Pastor Li and his co-worker Ah Kong. They asked the whereabouts of Ah Yung, another co-worker who was not present. Pastor Li was not beaten at the time of the arrest.

The fact that the police targeted the three leaders makes it clear they came with a plan. Nine people, including the two leaders, were arrested. Seven were released. Pastor Li was released within 24 hours but was warned to stop preaching or face serious consequences. At last report Ah Kong is still in custody. The meeting was in his home, which the PSB sees as a serious offence. Ah Kong has refused to pay the fine, knowing that if he pays it once he will have to pay it many times. Therefore he remains in prison, forced to assemble Christmas lights for sale to the West.

VOM will be forwarding additional information as we receive it. Please keep these believers and their family in your prayers. It is feared that this could the beginning of a new wave of harassment and intimidation against Brother Li and his coworkers.